Social enterprises worldwide are diverse, multifunctional, and unique organizations. There are various definitions circulating to describe them, and the only consensus is that there is no consensus. What they all have in common, however, is that they operate with a social purpose while also engaging in economic activities to generate income.
Indeed, in Hungary, there is no specific legal definition for social enterprises, and they can choose from various legal forms, such as foundations, associations, cooperatives, or nonprofit limited liability companies. The category of social enterprise is more based on consensus, so it varies as to which organization is considered one or which one considers itself as such.

The Tudatosan jó - Consciously Good initiative was created for a well-defined group of organizations, specifically social enterprises that employ members of disadvantaged groups, produce products, and sell them to the public. The fundamental idea behind "Tudatosan jó" is that many consumers would be interested in these products but may not be familiar with these enterprises or may only know about a few of them. The initiative aims to facilitate their situation by providing access to the full range of products through an online shop.
These social enterprises have numerous functions, much like a Swiss Army knife:
- they provide opportunities for members of marginalized groups to engage in work that was previously scarcely or not at all accessible to them, enabling them to earn real income rather than relying on social benefits
- for many, this is the only opportunity to establish an independent way of life -
- they often complement employment with training, development, and workshops, allowing for progress and personal growth
- many organizations involve those affected in the decision-making processes, ensuring that their perspectives are also taken into account
- successful mastery of work processes builds confidence in the workers, the workplace community protects against isolation, and it provides a supportive environment -
- they enhance self-esteem and enable the development of successful life strategies for those who would struggle significantly or not at all in the open job market
Would you like to help these organizations too? By purchasing their products, you contribute to their operations through market revenue. This way, they become less reliant on the uncertainty of grants and other sources, ensuring long-term opportunities for their target audience. Social enterprises may not solve everything – you can't make pancakes with a Swiss Army knife – but their work deserves much more attention.

If you've read this far, you've already done a lot for the cause. If you agree with these goals, join the Tudatosan jó - Consciously Good community!
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