The Consciously Good team successfully applied and made it to the finals of the Social Impact Award. The Impact Hub Budapest program is an international incubation program that provides visibility and development opportunities for early-stage social enterprises. Winning teams have the opportunity to participate in courses, professional workshops, and receive mentorship.
Participation has significant stakes - at the award ceremony at the end of September, the teams presenting the best ideas will receive cash prizes.

Consciously Good is participating in the program alongside eight other teams working on socially beneficial business plans. The ideas are diverse, including the utilization of rust belt properties, a financial literacy app, and sexual education for young people – all aimed at solving exciting and current issues.
During the 10-week incubation program, we will receive mentorship, financial training, and workshops to help usdevelop our idea in detail.
In September, you can also join the competition - you can vote for the short film made about us to help us win the Audience Award.

The stakes are not small - the top two teams will receive 1500 euros each, and the Audience Award winner will receive 1000 euros to kickstart their business.
Thank you for the opportunity, Social Impact Award team!